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Prophesies Pertaining To Our Days

Thou Shalt Honor

The Name Of The Lord


    You shall not swear falsely by the name of the LORD your God; for the LORD will not clear one who swears falsely by His name.

Deuteronomy 5:11 (Torah)

     As citizens of the United States, we are wrong, when we boldly profess to be “One Nation under God” or “In God We Trust,” because as a nation, we do not behave as people who truly believe in God or fear him.  If we truly accepted the sovereignty of the Lord, we would try to walk according to the Word of God and not by our own ideals.  It’s a small wonder that so many members of the Jewish and Islamic faith resist and disrespect the Christian faith, when they witness so much lawless behavior among Christians.

     In the United States, we teach our children at an early age, the Pledge of Allegiance. Politicians and sports fans, public schools and social organizations, will make this same pledge before conducting business or play.  Every time we make a pledge and dismiss the meaning of it, we offend the Lord, because we are simply offering him lip service.  It is unlawful to swear an oath, make a pledge, or a promise using the name of the Lord; because only the Lord is capable of making an oath, and keeping it.

      It is wrong to use the name of the Lord, in order to justify your own behavior; especially, when your actions are unlawful according to the Word of God.

      It is unlawful to use the name of the Lord in order to curse an action, an object, or another human being.  In the Word of God we have been taught that we are not suppose to curse each other; but to bless one another, to love our enemies, and pray for those whom hate us.  We have also been warned that if we curse someone else, then that curse will land upon our self.

     We all know that the Lord possesses many names; however, by any name, the Lord’s name remains holy.  When we use the name of the Lord while we are performing an unholy act, the Lord becomes enraged, because we are involving him in an unrighteous manner.  The Lord’s name is meant to be used with honor and reverence, and not by slanderous means.  The Lord has shown me that on the Day of Judgment; those, whom have habitually sworn by using his name in an unlawful and disrespectful manner, will hear each time they have sworn, with the same tone in their voice, and the Lord will show them the pain and anger that he has felt because of this.

     If you have a habit of swearing, please try to learn to control your language and stop using the Lord’s name in vain.  If you do, please go to the Lord in a quiet and secluded place and pray.  Ask the Lord if he will help you to recognize this sin and help you overcome this weakness, and ask him if he will forgive you.  Learn to listen to yourself when you speak, and make a mental note of the times you use the Lord’s name in vain; then, try to come up with alternative words that won’t be mean spirited or offensive.