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Prophesies Pertaining To Our Days


     For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)

      I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Matthew 16:19 (NIV)

     Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!

James 2:12-13 (NIV)

     If we could see ourselves; our inner being, our heart, and our mind as clearly as the Lord sees us, we would be humiliated.  If each of us could understand the full weight and measure of our sin, we would be overwhelmed with grief.  If we could reach a full understanding of the law, and we could see each day and every moment that we have sinned; we would see the great gulf that exists between us and righteousness, and between us and the Lord.  With this reasoning alone, it should be sufficient to understand why it is so important for us to be merciful toward everyone, and forgive those who have offended us.  Because we have all offended the Lord, much more than anyone has ever offended us.

     If you could see the consequences of someone who is judged severely; someone who has not been forgiven, and descends to Sheol; if you could see the anguish in their eyes, and the torment they suffer; you would be overwhelmed with sorrow.  When I hear a person curse someone else and condemn them to hell; I feel deeply sorry for both of them: The one who has cursed, as well as the one who is cursed and I pray that neither of them will go to hell.

     In my life, I have endured many hardships through the spirit and in the flesh.  I have been abandoned, neglected, abused mentally and physically, and taken severe advantage of.  I cannot count the number of nights that I have wept; more than I ever thought was humanly possible.  Yet I, even when I think about everything that has happened to me, and the people who have hurt me, still possess enough love for them that I would not want anyone that I have known to go to hell.  Because when I saw the great and terrible place that is referred to as Sheol, and how much people suffer, much more than anyone has suffered here on earth; I think, Who am I and what is my life worth that I should bring this upon someone else?  I would not want to suffer in this manner, nor would I want someone else to for my benefit.  Please try to understand:  I know that there is a great amount of evil on earth, and many people have seen it and experienced this for themselves.  I do not wish to lessen the seriousness of your pain or your grief.  If you have witnessed such things and cannot forgive someone else at this time, I understand.  I have heard it said that time heals all wounds, but I am not sure if it always does; however, I believe that one day, the Lord will wipe away the tears from our eyes, and we will be healed.

     I know that I lack the wisdom to judge anyone; least of all, those who have hurt me. Perhaps there was a reason that I am unable to comprehend at this time; the purpose of the pain and afflictions I have suffered?  Perhaps, because I have been hurt, this has given me the ability to have more compassion for someone else?  Perhaps I even deserved this, because at some time in my life, I may not have shown enough compassion for someone else?  All I know is that I would really like to live, so I would rather not attempt to sit on the throne of God, and leave judgment to the one who truly possesses the wisdom to understand all things―the Lord.  

Please try to show mercy and compassion toward others,

And forgive those who have hurt you; for your sake, as well as their own.