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Prophesies Pertaining To Our Days

The Children Of The Devil

     …I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 2:9 (NIV)

     In the Word of God, you can find several scriptures similar to this, and it saddens me that so many people have misunderstood its meaning.  I believe that it is for this reason that so many people throughout history and around the world have treated the children of Israel wickedly.  Some people have even believed that their hateful behavior was justified or even sanctified by the Lord.  I have no doubt that this is the seed that has planted anti-Semitism, in so many hearts.  I am sorry, because I know that those, whom have been hateful, cruel, and destructive toward the children of Israel; will be punished for their offenses.

     The Israelite nation was chosen as a light in this world, for our benefit.  When this was quoted; it was quoted because the children of Israel had added a multitude of laws and traditions, to the original teachings of Moses.  In doing so, they forsook the early teachings and began practicing traditions that had been handed down to them, since the destruction of the first and second temple period.  In theory, their hearts were right.  They had fallen from grace, with the Lord, and diligently sought to repair the damage.  In doing so, their hearts became zealous and they started examining the Word of God, with a fine tooth comb.  Unfortunately, Satan took advantage of them in their weakness, and deluded them into believing that it was better to be overly zealous, than to take the Word of God lightly.

     In truth:  Anyone who does not adhere to the Word of God, in faith and in practice, is a child of the devil.  If you are Jewish and you have forsaken the Laws of Moses and the teachings of the prophets; in order to obey the laws and traditions of men, then you are a child of the devil.  If you are a Christian who does not obey the commandments, the laws, and decrees; then you are a child of the devil.  If you are a Muslim and you are a follower of Islam and study the Qur’an; however, you will not obey the Laws of Moses and the teachings of the prophets, in the Word of God; then you are a child of the devil.  If you are a Mormon who believes in the prophet Joseph Smith and you study the ideology of Mormonism, then you are a child of the devil.  And, if you follow any other belief other than that in the Word of God, then you are a child of the devil.

     Is it any wonder then that the Lord is ready to destroy the earth?  For it would seem as though the entire world is filled with people, who have been spawned by Satan!

     Please lay your prejudices aside and remember that we have all been created by one God, and we are all descendants of Adam and Noah.  We have all been blessed through Abraham, who has been called a father to us all.  Therefore, let us emulate the patriarchs whom the Lord has lifted up and behave like they did, fearing the Lord and obeying his law.