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Prophesies Pertaining To Our Days

An Unrighteous Woman’s Prayer

     I am going to share another true story with you.  A long time ago, when I was a young mother, a severe flu swept across our nation.  Our own home did not escape this affliction and my husband, my son, and I became very ill.  But afterward we recovered or so I thought.  My son was very young and his body was so small that it took all of his strength to combat the illness.  After the flu passed, my son was not the same anymore; he was not as playful, he became quieter, and he slept more frequently, with longer duration.  It seemed as though he became ill more frequently.  On three separate occasions, I took him to the pediatrician, because I was concerned about his health.  Each time, the pediatrician was very kind and patient with me; he examined my son carefully, and gave the same diagnosis.  “It’s just another flu bug, he’ll be okay.”  But the third time, something inside me, kept pressing me.  I believed there was something deeper that was wrong and I questioned the doctor’s diagnosis.  I reminded him of something he once taught me:  When we become ill, our bodies develop natural immunities against the illness; thus preventing it from returning to the individual or repeatedly spreading throughout the household.  He assured me that as a rule, this is generally true, but sometimes we are not as fortunate. However, to console me, he sent me to the medical lab to have further tests ran.  After the tests were completed, the lab technician spoke to my son’s doctor and he reassured me that the results reaffirmed his belief.  However, my son was more dehydrated than usual, so he sent me to the pharmacy to pick up several items and then he said that in a few days, my son would be okay.  I followed his instructions and returned home.  My husband and I were speaking about our son’s condition, while our child was resting on the sofa, when the physician called and said that after examining the test more closely, he thought that we should take him to the hospital.  Our son was more dehydrated than he originally believed, and he would feel better if we watched him more closely, and ran further tests.  From the time that we received his phone call and met him at the hospital, our son’s condition rapidly worsened.  He was immediately placed in an isolated unit on the pediatrics floor, and several medical personnel began treating him.  For some time they tried to find a vein to begin intravenous treatment, but the staff could not find one, because he was so dehydrated.  One of the physicians mentioned performing a tracheotomy, but another one immediately responded that they could not do this, because he was so far gone that if they did, he was sure the boy would die.  When I heard them say this, I looked at my son and I could see that although his eyes were opened, he appeared as though he had left us.  His eyes were glazed and it did not appear as though he had any knowledge of what was happening now.  Also, I began to notice an unusual odor―it was death.  My son was dying.  I let go of him and I walked away from all of the commotion.  I went and I sat in a chair, in the corner of the room, beside the door.  Then I began to pray to God and I said:  “No one knows what’s wrong with this child, no one seems to understand what to do, and no one can help him except for you.”  I began to tell the Lord about all the good qualities I could see in my son.  He was a good child, soft and tender, he had a good heart, and I believed that one day my son would serve the Lord, and be helpful towards humanity.  I also told him that if anyone in the room should die; it should be me, and I began to tell the Lord all of the reasons why.  While I was still praying, the door beside me opened.  Then a young man, who was dressed in an intern uniform, leaned inside the door and said, “Has anyone considered that this could be Addison’s disease?” Then he left.  The man did not enter the room, he leaned in.  He never examined my son and no one knew who he was.  But immediately, the doctors were able to find a vein and they began treating our son for Addison’s disease.  My son was so dehydrated and so close to death that it took at least a day and a half before he had tears in his eyes, when he cried, and almost three days before his cry began to sound normal.  We were in the hospital for about a week, before we were able to take him home.  Today, if you were to ask my son or I who the intern was, we would both tell you that he was the Lord.  That day, in the hospital room, the Lord listened to my prayer, an unrighteous woman, and the Lord delivered our son back from death.  And at the same time, the Lord granted me mercy, and allowed me to live.

     If the Lord would listen to someone like me; then I am certain that if you would go to him with a sincere heart and prayed, the Lord would listen to you too.  Please do not think that you need to be someone special in order to pray.  Once we begin to pray, the dialog is open and we can begin to have a very special and unique relationship with the Lord.