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Prophesies Pertaining To Our Days

A Plank In My Eye

     After I was living on the farm and studying the Word of God for some time, I developed a close and intimate relationship with the Lord.  In the Word of God, it is written that the Lord knows our thoughts, even before we pray.  I discovered that this was true and shortly thereafter, I stopped praying as frequently as I did in the past, and I began to pray to the Lord in the spirit.  I would simply speak to the Lord through thought provocations, in the same manner that he communicated with me.  For example: If I saw something beautiful, I would praise the Lord and compliment him for the beauty of his creation.  One evening, while I was walking through the pasture, I witnessed one of the most awesome sunsets that I had ever seen, and I complemented the Lord and said, “Wow!  No one could paint a picture as beautiful as this; you truly are the Master Artisan!”  One day, I was thinking about the colors of the earth and the sky, and I made the following comment to the Lord, “Green and blue must be your favorite colors, because the earth and the sky are covered in green and blue.”  The Lord admitted that green and blue was some of his favorite colors; however, white is actually his favorite. (White represents the righteous acts of the saints.) I was not surprised when the Lord said this, because whenever I have seen heaven in my dreams, heaven was filled with a brilliant color of white.  When I have been spared from making a mistake or of having an accident, I will almost always thank the Lord and show him my gratitude, because I know that it was the Lord who helped me.

     One day, after I was studying the Word of God, I reached the conclusion that people, who are involved in politics and religion, will be judged the most severely.  It seemed to me that throughout the Word of God, the Lord was warning and reprimanding those who were involved in both professions.  One day, I said to the Lord, “I do not know what you have in mind for me, what purpose I may have, or what I will do; but whatever it is, I hope that you will keep me as far from politics and religion as possible.”  Later that same evening, while I was sleeping, the Lord said:  “This request that you have made of me is not a good one.  For if I am to keep you separated from politics and religion; then I must also separate you from myself.  For am I not the King of kings and the High Priest?”  The Lord was quiet for a moment and allowed me time to think about what he said, and then he added, “Do you want to be separated from me as well?”  I was stunned and dumbfounded because of my request and I implored the Lord, “No, no!  Please do not separate me from politics or religion, but bring me as close to you, as you will allow me to be!”  The Lord spoke to me kindly and said, “It pleases me that you have made this request and that is the thing I will do.”

     That evening, the Lord was very kind to me, because he did not point out the plank that I had in my eye.  It is very easy for us to see the flaws of someone else; however, it is much more difficult to see our own.  I have heard people say, “Lord, let me see myself as others see me.”  However, I prefer to see myself as the Lord himself sees me.  For whom in this world do I truly need to please?  Whose opinion will be more sincere or most honest, the world or the Lord?  I know that on the Day of Judgment, it is the Lord who must approve of me, and it is the Lord I pray to please.