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Prophesies Pertaining To Our Days


     Too many religious leaders have judged Noah harshly, because he did not plead for the sake of humanity like Abraham, when he prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah.  Because of this, they have taught that Noah was not as righteous as Abraham.  However, it had been prophesied since the time of Enoch that the Lord was going to destroy the earth and that a descendant of Enoch’s would be chosen to restore the population of mankind.  If you have never heard the Lord speak, then you cannot comprehend how powerful his voice can be. The Lord did not ask Noah to build the ark; the Lord commanded Noah to build the ark. When Noah heard the voice of the Lord, he knew the Lord was angry with humanity, and he understood why.  Since the time of Enoch, the people were warned to repent.  For approximately seventy years, the inhabitants watched Noah build the ark. Before this, no one had ever seen a massive ship like this.  If the hearts of the people were not stirred to repent by then, why would the Lord have a change of heart, and why would Noah question the Lord’s authority?

     Other people have made sport of Noah or have been highly critical of him, because after he left the ark, he built a vineyard and became intoxicated.  Of course Noah got drunk!  He witnessed the hand of God destroy the entire earth!  Except for Noah’s immediate family, everyone was gone!  With the exception of the animals that accompanied Noah, everything else was destroyed!  The people, the animals, the plants, and the trees; everything that the Lord had created was utterly and completely wiped out! Noah just spent an entire year floating on an ark that rocked violently in a turbulent sea, during the storm, with a bunch of wild animals.  And―Noah lived to tell about it!


To Life!

     The descendants of Ham were cursed because Ham saw his father’s nakedness and made sport of him; so if we ridicule Noah for a moment of weakness, than our behavior is no better than Ham’s.  Today, so many people become intoxicated for much less reason than Noah did.  So please be kind and have compassion for Noah; after all, you are a descendant of Noah, Adam, and Eve, and in time―you will find out that your sins are much greater than theirs ever were.

     Since the days of Enoch, it has also been prophesied that the Lord will destroy the earth with fire, after judgment is complete.  Most people today have very little knowledge of the Word of God and fewer people understand the prophesies.  The tribulation will be much more difficult than most people can comprehend, and those who live to tell the story; I am sure, will share a bottle of wine with mixed emotions, because of what they have witnessed and for the mercy they have received.