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Prophesies Pertaining To Our Days

Interpretation Of

The Book Of Daniel

     “O king, as you looked on, there appeared a great statue.  This statue, which was huge and its brightness surpassing, stood before you, and its appearance was awesome. The head of that statue was of fine gold; its breast and arms were of silver; its belly and thighs, of bronze; its legs were of iron, and its feet part iron and part clay. As you looked on, a stone was hewn out, not by hands, and struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them, All at once, the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were crushed, and became like chaff of the threshing floors of summer; a wind carried them off until no trace of them was left.  But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”

Daniel 2:31-35 (Tanakh)

     Seven years before the Messiah returns, a ruler will rise up who will derive his power from Satan.  Like the feet, part iron and part clay, his empire will be divided; some of his kindred will follow him and some of them will not.  Part of his empire will be strong and part of it will be brittle.


Please note:

     The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.

Psalms 118:22 (Tanakh)



     Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes?’ …  He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.”

Matthew 21:42-44 (NIV)

     Daniel chapter three:  While I was visiting Jerusalem during the winter of 2000, I was studying the book of Daniel, and the night before I read this chapter, I had the following dream:  I saw a statue erected on the Holy Temple Mount, in the image of the Anti-Christ.  The statue was surrounded by a multitude of people who were bowing down and worshipping his image.  While I was reading chapter three, the Lord said, “These days will be likened unto the days of Nebuchadnezzar.”  The man will be very arrogant, boastful, and proud.  He will lift his head up higher than the Lord and expect to be worshipped like Almighty God.  Those who will not submit to him and receive the mark of his authority will be persecuted.  A vast multitude of people will die by the sword and many others will die by famine, disease, or by the wild animals in the wilderness; however, those who have worshipped the beast and received the mark will die, when the Lord returns. (Revelation 19:11-21)

     Daniel related the following:  “In my vision at night, I saw* the four winds of heaven stirring up the great sea.  Four mighty beasts different from each other emerged from the sea.  The first was like a lion but had eagles’ wings.  As I looked on, its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted off the ground and set on its feet like a man and given the mind of a man.

Daniel 7:2-4 (Tanakh)

     The lion represents Great Britain.  The wings of the eagle represent the United States, and when the eagle’s wings were plucked off; a multitude of people fled England, in order to pursue religious freedom.

*Genesis 1:9-10 The land mass is brought forth from the sea.

     “Then I saw a second, different beast, which was like a bear but raised on one side, and with three fangs in its mouth among it is teeth; it was told, ‘Arise, eat much meat!’”

Daniel 7:5 (Tanakh)

     The bear represents the nation of Russia and the three fangs represent Tsarism, Leninism, and Stalinism.

     After that, as I looked on, there was another one, like a leopard, and it had on its back four wings like those of a bird; the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it.

Daniel 7:6 (Tanakh)

     The leopard represents the Ottoman Empire.  The four wings would deliver him across the earth and the four heads faced four directions; because he would dominate the land all around him.  

     After that, as I looked on in the night vision, there was a fourth beast—fearsome, dreadful, and very powerful, with great iron teeth—that devoured and crushed, and stamped the remains with its feet.  It was different from all the other beasts which had gone before it; and it had ten horns.

Daniel 7:7 (Tanakh)


     The ten horns represent ten kings, from ten different countries.  

     While I was gazing upon these horns, a new little horn sprouted up among them; three of the older horns were uprooted to make room for it.  There were eyes in the horn like those of a man, and a mouth that spoke arrogantly.

Daniel 7:8 (Tanakh)

     The “new little horn,” represents a new leader who will rise up, who has less experience than the other ten.  Nevertheless, three of the older leaders will lose their power, for the sake of the last and lesser horn.  He is the Anti-Christ. (Daniel 11:36-45)

Please review Daniel 7:19-26 for additional understanding of the fourth beast.

     I looked and saw a ram standing between me and the river; he had two horns; the horns were high, with one higher than the other, and the higher sprouting last.  I saw the ram butting westward, northward, and southward.  No beast could withstand him, and there was none to deliver from his power.  He did as he pleased and grew great.

Daniel 8:3-4 (Tanakh)


     The first and lesser horn represents the Medes Empire. (728-550 BCE)  Lastly, the greater horn represents the Persian Empire. (550-334 BCE)  

Please review Daniel 5:18-19, 5:25-28, and 8:20.


    As I looked on, a he-goat came from the west, passing over the entire earth without touching the ground.  The goat had a conspicuous horn on its forehead.

Daniel 8:5 (Tanakh)

     The he-goat represents Alexander the Great, from Mesopotamia, who was given the power to swiftly conquer a multitude of nations. (Daniel 8:21)

     He came up to the two-horned ram that I had seen standing between me and the river and charged at him with furious force. …  Then the he-goat grew very great, but at the peak of his power his big horn was broken. ...

Daniel 8:6-8 (Tanakh)

     Alexander defeated Darius of Persia and became increasingly more powerful; however, he died prematurely at the age of thirty-three.

     In its place, four conspicuous horns sprouted toward the four winds of heaven.

Daniel 8:8 (Tanakh)

Ptolemy l Soter−Ruler of Egypt, Antigonus Monopthalmus and his son Demetrius Poliorcetes−Rulers of Asia Minor, and Seleucus I−Ruler of Babylon.  (Daniel 8:22)

     From one of them emerged a small horn, which extended itself greatly toward the south, toward the east, and toward the beautiful land.

Daniel 8:9 (Tanakh)


     Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Seleucid king (175-164 BCE) of the Hellenistic kingdom in Syria.

     It grew as high as the host of heaven and it hurled some stars of the [heavenly] host to the ground and trampled them.  It vaunted itself against the very chief of the host; on its account the regular offering was suspended, and His holy place was abandoned.  An army was arrayed iniquitously against the regular offering; it hurled truth to the ground and prospered in what it did.

Daniel 8:10-12 (Tanakh)

     When Antiochus invaded Jerusalem in 168 BCE; he prohibited the teachings and practices of the Laws of Moses, desecrated the Holy Temple Mount with an image in his likeness, and made unclean sacrifices―to his gods.  

Please take the time to review this portion of history, because it is very similar to the events that are prophesied to take place during our time.  

     ...  “How long will [what was seen in] the vision last—the regular offering be forsaken because of transgression; the sanctuary be surrendered and the [heavenly] host be trampled?”  He answered me, “For twenty-three hundred evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”

Daniel 8:13-14 (Tanakh)

     There are times in the Word of God when a prophesy is declared and the days are numbered that the Lord may intend the meaning to refer to actual days (Revelation 11:3) or years (Revelation 2:10).  

     The Maccabees re-consecrated the Holy Temple Mount in December 164 BCE, four years after Antiochus defiled the Holy Temple Mount.  If the former prophesy of “twenty-three hundred evenings and mornings” were meant to imply actual days, then this would equal 6.3 years; therefore, I believe that it would be wrong to apply this prophesy to the Maccabees.

     Ever since 168 BCE and up until Israel was declared an independent state in 1948, Israel has remained under the authority of someone else.  And even though there was a period after the Romans defeated the Seleucid kingdom that the Maccabees re-incorporated the offerings of sacrifice; they did so, only after they turned away the priest and installed their own kinsman, and other laymen to this service.  It may be that because the priest did not descend directly from Aaron, the manner in which the offerings were made, or the offerings were of inferior stock that the Lord never truly accepted them.

(Malachi 3:6-12 and Luke 19:45-47)

     "Twenty-three hundred evenings and mornings,” may represent twenty-three hundred years; which will pass before the sanctuary is cleansed, and the sacrifices and offerings are re-established. (Ezekiel, chapter 40-chapter 48) No doubt, after the Lord returns; there will be a period of reorganization, cleansing, and rebuilding; before the offerings can be resumed.


     When their kingdoms are at an end, when the measure of transgression has been filled, then a king will arise, impudent and versed in intrigue.

Daniel 8:23 (Tanakh)


     The Anti-Christ

     He will have great strength, but not through his own strength.  He will be extraordinarily destructive; he will prosper in what he does, and destroy the mighty and the people of holy ones.

Daniel 8:24 (Tanakh)

     The Anti-Christ will derive his power from Satan and he will set out to destroy those whom will not submit to his authority. (Revelation 6:7-8, 9:7-19, and 12:17)

     By his cunning, he will use deceit successfully.  He will make great plans, will destroy many, taking them unawares, and will rise up against the chief of chiefs, but will be broken, not by [human] hands.

Daniel 8:25 (Tanakh)

     The radical fundamental Islamists believe that they have been chosen by Allah, as servants for a global jihad (a holy war), in order to convert all of humanity to Islam and enforce obedience to their interpretation of the Qur’an.  The followers of Wahabism and the terrorist networks affiliated with the Fundamental Islamist movement believe that they will be lifted up and honored by Allah, for killing the infidels. (Those whom refuse to convert to Islam.) They believe that they have been chosen to destroy the “children of the devil” (Jews) and the “children of the cross” (Christians).  They also believe that when the Messiah returns, they will assist him, when he destroys the Anti-Christ.  However, the Lord will not require their assistance in order to fulfill this prophesy, because he will be accompanied by his own army.

Please refer to Deuteronomy 13:1-5 which refers to the laws pertaining to false prophesy and Revelation 19:11-21 which refers to the battle of Armageddon.

     “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city until the measure of transgression is filled and that of sin complete, until iniquity is expiated, and eternal righteousness ushered in; and prophetic vision ratified, and the Holy of Holies anointed.  

Daniel 9:24 (Tanakh)

     The holy temple was destroyed in 586 BCE.  King Cyrus of Persia issued a proclamation in 538 BCE, instructing that the temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt.  The second temple was completed in 516 BCE. (Ezra 1:1-2)


Please review Jeremiah 25:8-11 and 29:4-10.

     Then a warrior king will appear who will have an extensive dominion and do as he pleases.

Daniel 11:3 (Tanakh)


     Gaius Octavius, whom later took the name of Caesar Augustus, the founder of the Roman Republic.

     But after his appearance, his kingdom will be broken up and scattered to the four winds of heaven, but not for any of his posterity, nor with dominion like that which he had; for his kingdom will be uprooted and belong to others beside these.

Daniel 11:4 (Tanakh)

     After Caesar was assassinated in 448 BCE:  His adoptive son/nephew Octavius/Octavian took his place; as well as Mark Anthony and Lepidus, and Rome became an empire. After this, there was a rapid succession of various leaders and in time the Roman Empire became divided and later destroyed.


     After some years, an alliance will be made, and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to effect the agreement, but she will not maintain her strength, nor will his strength endure.  She will be surrendered together with those who escorted her and the one who begot her and helped her during those times.

Daniel 11:6 (Tanakh)

     “The daughter of the king of the south,” is Cleopatra.  “The king of the north,” is Caesar Augustus.  The one who helped her is Mark Anthony.


     He will not have regard for the god of his ancestors or for the one dear to women; he will not have regard for any god, but will magnify himself above all.

Daniel 11:37 (Tanakh)

     The god of women is “man/mankind.”  The king will have no compassion for humanity and those who refuse to submit to him will become targets of terrorism.

     Many will be purified and purged and refined; the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand; but the knowledgeable will understand. (From the time the regular offering is abolished, and an appalling abomination is set up—it will be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.  Happy the one who waits and reaches one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.)

Daniel 12:10-12 (Tanakh)

     One thousand two hundred ninety days is the equivalent of 3.53 years and 1,335 days is the equivalent of 3.66 years.

It is important that you review Daniel, chapter 12.